Fat soluble vitamins

The fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K2. They need magnesium and zinc to work properly.

Vitamins A, D, and K2 interact synergistically to support immune health, provide for adequate growth, support strong bones and teeth, and protect soft tissues from calcification.
Malformed faces with crowded teeth nowadays can be attributed to low intake of these fat soluble vitamins, especially vitamin K, called factor ‘X’ by Weston Price. Weston Price supplemented with grass fed butter, which means he supplemented with K2 MK4.
Fat and sacred foods


It is hard to find good and definite recommendations about the dosing of the fat soluble vitamins. Vitamin D means vitamin D3!

Vitamins A and D

This site (Weston Price) provides some info:
Children age 3 months to 12 years: 4650 IU vitamin A and 975 IU vitamin D.
Children over 12 years and adults: 9500 IU vitamin A and 1950 IU vitamin D.
Pregnant and nursing women: 19,000 IU vitamin A and 3900 IU vitamin D.
The more vitamin A you take, the more zinc you need to take.
The more vitamin D you take, the more magnesium you need to take.
If you’re really deficient, taking a higher dosage for a few months to get your stores up could be good idea. Also, illness and stress raise the need for both vitamin A and D.

Vitamin K2

See vitamin K Jack Kruse:
When I see a low Vitamin D levels I usually tell the person with bad bones, a bad heart or bad teeth to increase their vitamin K2 200mcgs for every 1000 IU of D3 they are supplementing. He’s not clear on the kind of vitamin K2 though. One of the studies he refers to mentiones MK7, the other uses MK4. The study that uses MK4 uses 45 mg per day of K2 MK4 for 40 IU vitamin D3. That’s very little D3. 
There is no RDA for K2. There is one for vitamin K as a whole, but it doesn’t differentiate between vitamin K1 and K2. Vitamin K2 comes in many forms, among them MK-7 and MK-4.
There is no known toxicity for K2.
In her book she tries to figure out what a good dose would be:
– Women going through menopause or postmenopausal women: 240 mcg MK-7. 
– For any other person she recommends a minimum of 120 mcg MK-7.
She recommends 45 milligram (15 milligrams three times daily), which comes from a study in Japan (see vitamin K).
Vitamin K2 Jack Kruse Vitamin K2 Jeff T Bowles

Both MK7 and MK4 together !

Vitamin D Vitamin A
 MK7 (?) MK7 MK4    
200 mcg     1000 IU 5000 IU
2000 mcg = 2 mg 200 mcg 1000 mcg = 1 mg 10.000 IU 50.000 IU
10.000 mcg = 10 mg 1000 mcg= 1mg 5 mg 50.000 IU 250.000 IU, ridiculous
20.000 mcg = 20 mg 2000 mcg = 2 mg 10 mg 100.000  IU ?
40 mg 4000 mcg = 4 mg 20 mg 200.000 IU ?
50  mg 5000 mcg = 5 mg 25 mg 250.000 IU ?
She also makes clear that there is no reason not to take more. Maybe it would be wise to take a higher dose if you’re already suffering from the effects of low vitamin K2, like calcification of your soft tissues.

Vitamin E

This is also a hard one, but most doctors recommend about 400 IU daily for adults.

Vitamin A toxicity

Taking vitamin A (not beta carotene) on its own in large dosages leads to vitamin A toxicity. This effect is faster with supplements than with vitamin A taken from food (i.e. liver).
It turns out that this is because the subjects in the researches were not given vit D or vit K.
In 2003, Myhre and other researchers examined all 291 cases of hypervitaminosis A in humans reported in the medical literature between 1944 and 2000. Of these, the Myhre team identified 81 reports that provided information about the patient’s vitamin D supplementation, and found that concomitant supplementation with vitamin D radically increased the dose of vitamin A needed to cause toxicity. Unfortunately, the researchers only mentioned whether vitamin D was supplemented at all and did not discuss the specific amount of vitamin D being supplemented. Nevertheless, they found that the median dose reported for vitamin A toxicity was over 2,300 IU per kilogram (kg) of body weight per day higher when vitamin D was also supplemented. For a hypothetical 75-kg person representing the median, vitamin D supplementation would have allowed an additional 175,000 IU per day (the amount in five tablespoons of high-vitamin cod liver oil) before toxicity symptoms were likely to be reported!

Vitamin D Protects Against the Toxicity of Vitamin A and vice versa

Research that examines the feeding of high doses of more than one vitamin simultaneously reveals that toxicity is dependent on reactions between different nutrients. For example, studies in rats, turkeys, and chickens have demonstrated that vitamin A both decreases the toxicity of and increases the dietary need for vitamin D, while vitamin D both reduces the toxicity of and increases the dietary need for vitamin A.

Vitamins D and K2

Book: Vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox
Vitamin D encourages the uptake of calcium. But calcium needs to go to the right places. Among these are NOT the soft tissues or the walls of your veins and arteries. To shuttle calcium to the places where it’s needed, and out of places where it’s not wanted, you need an ample supply of vitamin K2.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has a lot of functions in the body on its own. But in relation to the other fat soluble vitamins its role is to prevent oxidation.


Vitamins A and D support the absorption of zinc and zinc supports the absorption of all the fat-soluble vitamins.


From Vitamin K2 and the calcium paradox:
Magnesium is essential for the absorption and metabolism of vitamin D. Magnesium deficiency, thought by many health experts to be common, impairs vitamin D metabolism. In particular, a lack of magnesium limits the conversion of vitamin D to the active, hormonal form.
This might explain why toxicity occurs with supplemental vitamin D when you don’t take magnesium: you get a build up of unconverted D3.
Vitamins A and D carry out most of their functions by regulating gene expression, which means they rely directly on magnesium to carry out these functions. They also rely indirectly on magnesium because our cells can only produce their receptors and all the proteins with which they interact with the assistance of this critical mineral.
The well-studied interaction of magnesium with vitamin D and calcium provides an illustrative example. Magnesium is required for both steps in the activation of vitamin D to calcitriol, the form of vitamin D that regulates gene expression and stimulates calcium absorption. Even fully activated vitamin D (calcitriol), however, is useless in the absence of magnesium. Humans who are deficient in magnesium have low blood levels of both calcitriol and calcium, but treating them with calcitriol does nothing to restore calcium levels to normal. The only way to normalize calcium levels in these subjects is to provide them with sufficient magnesium. Magnesium also supports the cellular pumps that keep most calcium out of our soft tissue cells and make it available for the extracellular matrix of bones and teeth.

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